Friday, July 22, 2011

Shadow People/People of Darkness

  In the mystery of the ghosts there are different figures that haunt the people, these are the shadows. Dark images of people that have become popular in modern folklore and culture paranormal, dark humanoid being described as evasive or spectra. These entities are commonly seen in the peripheral vision of people and are perceived as evil spirits. Worship Paranormal Several authors have done research on these entities, which are usually described as a black colored silhouettes of humans, who do not have factions, mouth, also There are children's versions of the people in the shadows. Other cases have described as a formless mass that assume a human appearance. Some sightings suggest that they have eyes that shine, and his movements are fast, but rough in some cases have been attributed to items such as coats and hats
The existence of these entities have been associated with religion, metaphysics, parapsychology, criptozologia, demonology and the occult, this suggests that people in the shadows are created by extreme events, emotions, physical trauma, emotional stress. It is also believed to have been called by means of black magic and occult rituals, finally speculates that these creatures from another dimension and occasionally visit ours. Hypothesis that there are two-dimensional creatures related to the gray aliens or reptilian humanoids.
Shadowlands Features

  Among the most important properties that are described is semi-translucent shades that possess some degree of thought and no light passes through them so they have some density. They are believed to entities from other dimensions or aliens. Because they move very quickly can not be perceived at the first opportunity.
The people in the shadows has an anthropomorphic form, human-like or not. Are more present in areas where they are performed satanic rituals and black magic. These shadows do not have a standard size, reports say are between 1.90 to 2.30 meters, can also be very small, similar to the shade of a child. Scientific Theory The explanation given to these phenomena are optical illusions or hallucinations caused by psychological or physiological conditions, whether by drugs or interaction with external elements. This happens when stimulated union left parietal brain tempo, creating the illusion of a shadow person. Additionally, the images seen by the peripheral vision can be caused by a brain condition called pareidolia, this causes the brain to interpret variations in the patterns light and shadow as if they were familiar objects, such as human forms. This same condition can be seen in situations where lighting is poor or when watching an image is complex.

Those who experience this disorder report feeling terror, is also known as hypnagogic "faces the dark phenomenon 'because they tend to see faces in that state.

 These assumptions have also been reported in several supernatural phenomena as alien abduction, religious experiences and contact with angels or demons.
But the most common explanation of the skeptics and science is that people who have seen the shadow people, is product of the imagination. It is the mind playing tricks on individuals who claim to see a dark figure on one side of your eye in fractions of seconds are illusions which are not there. Human perception can be easily fooled scientists say. Shadow and Media Programs ghosts have captured images of these entities, as in the popular series The Adventures of ghosts (Ghost Adventures).Discovery Channel has also conducted investigations in the program Ghost Lab, where they have presented images of people in the shadows in a phone booth in a cemetery in Tombstone, Arizona. In the genre of fiction people have appeared in the shadows independent films of horror and suspense as Keith Park er's Shadow People, where are the villains. The author David Wong presented the people of the shadows as the antagonists in his novel John Dies at the End. Finally, in the movie Ghost of Jerry Zucker, the people of the shadows are responsible to bring the evil souls to hell.In published chill for a while this video of an alleged shooting.